
The team visit Closeburn Primary School

It is never too early to learn about the science of adventure. The feedback and enthusiasm from this group of primary school children were truly inspiring

It is never to early to learn about the science of adventure. The feedback and enthusiasm from this group of primary school children was truly inspiring. Having outlined the challenge involved in racing solo from the south of France across Morocco all the way to Senegal the children were asked to identify what problems might need to be solved?

• Water • Food • Fuel • Navigation • Repairs • Heat • Punctures

Were all answers provided by the group. Utilising the teams equipment we were able to demonstrate that learning STEM subjects plays a role in every aspect of this race. Particular favourites were the tyres that have no air – they are fitted with a Michelin Mousse system and the Wayfarer boil in the bag ration packs.

“At this age its about lighting a spark and an interest that can then flourish into any number of possible career choices. We Project Dakar #BecauseICan as a giant science project!”

Mike Hope – Program ambassador